7 | Adam Valente |
8 | Kane Wilkinson |
9 | Jay Browne |
14 | Todd Moffat |
17 | Abid Karmali |
19 | Gabriel DeSantis |
27 | Kyle Skillman |
32 | Stephen Orr |
33 | Andrew Martirena |
38 | Alexander Levy |
42 | Jonathan Binstock |
51 | Erik Keppen |
62 | Dylan Konecny |
65 | Jeffrey Watchorn |
81 | Mike Cleghorn |
92 | Levi Konecny |
94 | Daniel Watchorn |
96 | Daniel Stewart |
97 | Brandon Paton |
G | Tim Walker |
TBD-1 | Steven Dagenais |
Please remember to click on the score of the game online to view / print the game sheet.
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True North Hockey Canada
Tel: (416) 231-8642 •